Thank you for requesting a Discovery call to discuss the Intuitive Coaching programs I offer.

Please share as transparently as you can. Know you are in a confidential space to express what you desire to transform in your life. (It could, and most likely may be, more than one area).

When you bring your full attention to this questionnaire, clarity is more quickly attainable. And the by-product will be the transformation and success you are wanting.

You’re invited to reveal more than you’re comfortable revealing in service of being seen by a gentle and powerful guide.

Where you need Intuitive Coaching may be obvious to you, or it may feel subtle and obscure, and this questionnaire may help crystallize the next steps for you. Once working together, our sessions together will bring further clarity and growth.

You may be aware that you’re experiencing pain or sorrow, or other feelings that you cannot exactly name.  I understand the spectrum of emotions very well.

You may be completely clear on your desires and goals, and want Intuitive guidance to get your results.

Maybe you are wanting to truly love living in your own body, loving your own energy, and want to be guided towards more self-love and grace, physically and emotionally. 

When you fill out the Questionnaire below, I suggest you carve out quiet time in your schedule, so you can go into the deep inner places, where there might be pain, but also where your dreams live.

Thank you. I look forward to connecting with you.



  1. Full name

2.   Email Address

3.   Cell Phone number

4.  Where do you live?

5.  What do you feel you need Guidance (Intuitive Coaching) around? Feel free to list as many things as come to you.

6.  Can you share about the areas in your life where you feel pain, regret or sorrow, where you are struggling, feel stuck or frustrated?  What other emotions are you experiencing, and wanting to transform?

7.  Can you share any areas of your life where you are feeling harmony, in the flow, or at peace? Areas where you feel successful, calm and complete?

8.  Do you have support in your life?  Are there people you can open up to, and be vulnerable with?

9. Do you have any addictions (whether sober or not)?   If so, where are you currently in your recovery journey? Are there habitual patterns - not exactly addictions - you realize you would like to transform? Some examples could be: ways of communicating, or not communicating, over-working, indulging in certain emotional behavior patterns, alcohol, sex, or conversely avoidance of intimacy or vulnerability, etc….

10.  What are your greatest dreams and desires in this life?  Pleas feel free to express as much as you like!

11.  How would you feel if you transformed the issues you want to work on. How would your life change? What new actions would you take with confidence and joy?


Nadine Kijner